Antigua & Barbuda Reduce Processing Fees for Citizenship

The Cabinet of Antigua and Barbuda, at its meeting on Wednesday 2nd August, 2017 has given its approval for the following changes to the Citizenship by Investment Programme:

Processing Fees 

  • Under the NDF option, the processing fees will be reduced to US $25,000 for a family of up to four (4) persons with incremental payments of US $15,000 for each additional dependent where the application consists of five (5) persons or more.
  • Under the Real Estate and Business Investment options, the processing fees will be reduced to US 50,000 for a family of up to four (4) persons with incremental payments of US $15,000 for each additional dependent where the application consists of a family of five (5) persons or more.

Restricted Countries (Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Somalia, Yemen, Sudan)

Further to the amended restricted countries list of 4th February, 2017, nationals of the countries on the this list are eligible to apply for citizenship in Antigua and Barbuda under the Citizenship by Investment Programme having met the following criteria:

Individuals born in these restricted countries but who migrated before the age of majority and/or have maintained permanent residence in Canada, The United Kingdom, The United States of America, Australia , New Zealand, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, for a period of not less than 10 years and maintain no economic ties to any restricted country.

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